Blog – Management Consulting


Category Page for Nectar Bridge Blog

Business Planning & Management Consulting. Here are some blog articles we’ve written.. If you’d like additional information, contact us. We’d love to help you.

About Nectar Bridge

Nectar Bridge was founded in 2013 to help small business owners like you reduce stress and increase profits. We do this by discovering and working through the bottlenecks – the most important issues and the “lowest hanging fruit.” These blog articles represent some of our thinking on these issues.

The Importance of the Back Office

We’ve found over the years that many problems entrepreneurs face are related to the back office – the not-so-fun stuff like accounting, bookkeeping, human resources (HR), legal, and technology issues that just seem to get in the way of running your business. We blog about these areas where we can help you.

In reality, these areas are your business, and determine how successful you are. They’re just as important as your great product or killer service.

However, these areas are likely not the ones that excite you or that you’re necessarily good at. That’s where we can help. Our general business background helps you with the problems that are common to almost all businesses, at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time manager or bringing in a business partner. We blog about these items, even though they’re not as exciting, because they’re necessary.